4 Sweet Benefits and Uses of the Lovely Lily Flower Essential Oil

4 Sweet Benefits and Uses of the Lovely Lily Flower Essential Oil

The essential oil of lily flower is derived from the Lilium auratum plant. Unlike most essential oils which are steam distilled from the flowers, lily flower essential oil can not be derived through that method because of the delicate nature of its flowers.


Instead, it is extracted via the enfleurage method in the early 20th century but is now extracted by solvent extraction using hexane. As such, lily flower essential oil is one of the rare essential oils available in the market and it is known for its heavenly and highly aromatic scent.


Besides that, authentic lily flower essential oil possesses therapeutic benefits as well, perfect for augmenting the health of your body. Read on to find out more!


Health Benefits of Lily Flower Essential Oil:

1. Supports Mental and Emotional Health

The essential oil of lily flower can be used in aromatherapy for individuals who are feeling stressed, anxious or tense due to whatever various reasons. It can also be used to alleviate depression or feelings of self-doubt and low self-esteem. It is a great agent to boost your emotional and mental spirits as well to invoke positive feelings of self-confidence.


As such, lily flower oil is great for creating feelings of happiness and inculcating a sense of security, tranquility and calmness.


How to Use it: You can add about 5-6 drops of lily flower essential oil into a tub of warm, bathing water to soak inside and to soothe your mind. Alternatively, you can diffuse the oil by using a burner, diffuser or vaporizers as aromatherapy and place it in your room or on your desk.


2. Helps Reduce Insomnia

Because of its relaxing and soothing properties, it also helps to promote a deep, peaceful and restful sleep that you deserve! This is great for those who are suffering from insomnia or who have difficulty sleeping. Having a good night’s rest is extremely imperative for the smooth functioning of your physical, vital organs and for your mental as well as emotional health.


As such, if you have trouble sleeping, try using lily flower essential oil to induce feelings of calm and zen in your mind, thus providing a natural remedy for your troubles.


How to Use it: Diffuse the oil in a diffuser or distiller and place it by your bedside table at night to relax and destress.


3. Promotes Skin Health

Lily flower essential oil is also normally used in cosmetic products because it is great for your skin too! The oil contains potent moisturizing and soothing properties which helps to prevent dry skin and skin cracks. You can use it all over your body and even as a facial moisturizer to promote moisturized and healthy skin as well as to eliminate appearances of dry, flaky skin. This thus ensures that your skin remains very supple and smooth!


How to Use it: You can actually mix lily flower oil with coconut oil and massage all over desired areas. For sensitive skin and for enhanced results, try adding calendula oil into the mix too and massage in the bath or after a bath onto dry cuticles and elbows or in any other parts of the skin which are dry.


4. Heals Wounds, Scars and Burns

Lily flower essential oil also helps to heal wounds, scars and burns incurred externally on the skin as it contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties as well! It helps to eradicate bacteria that may linger on the wounds or cuts, thus preventing infections which can complicate the healing process further. Not only that, it offers relief from itching and reduces inflamed as well as red skin.


How to Use it: Dilute 2-3 drops of the oil with a carrier oil and apply onto the affected areas using a gauze or cotton swab.


Safety Precautions:

  • If you are pregnant or nursing, it is best to avoid lily flower essential oil and other essential oils.

  • If you intend to apply it topically onto your skin, be sure to dilute it with a carrier oil first in a 1:1 ratio and perform a skin patch test to ensure there are no allergic, irritant or sensitive reactions before you apply on the desired areas.

  • Do not apply to eyes, ears and nose or any other mucous membranes.

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