6 Exceptional Benefits and Uses of the Exotic Copaiba Essential Oil

6 Exceptional Benefits and Uses of the Exotic Copaiba Essential Oil

The essential oil of copaiba is actually derived from the resin of the copaiba trees, which are scientifically known as Copaifera officinalis that are indigenous to the vast Amazonian forest. This makes copaiba oil quite unique because it is steam distilled from this viscous and sticky resin instead of from the leaves or sticks.


The resin actually changes colour, ranging from yellow to brown, depending on the age of the tree but the essential oil derived is actually clear white. Its aroma is subtle, akin to that of honey, balsam and cinnamon with a faint woody smell.


Copaiba essential oil has been known to be one of the most potent, all-natural anti-inflammatory agents out there in the market! It is able to provide pain relief to a variety of health conditions and ailments, and it has been historically documented for this very purpose.


However, copaiba oil also has a lot of other useful properties and benefits besides being a good anti-inflammatory agent. Read on to find out more!


Health Benefits of Copaiba Essential Oil:

1. Augments Skin Health

Copaiba essential oil is extremely great for the skin. With its astringent qualities, it is able to tighten the skin and make it firmer, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. As such, it prevents sagging skin and the youthful, radiant glow will be maintained! Not only that, using copaiba oil can also help to boost your skin’s collagen production, thus further augmenting elasticity and firmness of the skin.


Additionally, copaiba oil contains much antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that helps to eradicate bacteria from your skin, proving to be a useful agent for various skin problems such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it especially soothing for red and inflamed conditions associated with acne and psoriasis.


For instance, a 2012 research study published in Alternative Medicine Review found that there was a highly significant decrease in the affected acne surface when the surface was treated with a 1% solution of copaiba oil. Another 2013 study published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutics found that its anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce the redness and scaling for people who are suffering from psoriasis.


How to Use it: You can dilute copaiba oil with a carrier oil (such as coconut, jojoba or almond oil) and apply to the affected areas. Alternatively, you can also add about 1-2 drops of the oil in your daily skincare products as part of your skincare regimen.


2. Helps to Fade Scars

Not only does it help to alleviate skin problems, copaiba oil also greatly helps to diminish the appearance of scars, dark spots and stretch marks when used consistently for a substantial period of time! It helps to promote cellular and tissue regeneration underneath the surface of the skin. Overtime, it will undoubtedly help to reduce the appearance of such spots to promote a much smoother complexion and skin surface!


How to Use it: You can apply copaiba oil topically onto the affected areas of your skin, but be sure to dilute the oil with a carrier oil prior to topical application.


3. Helps to Fight off Infections

Copaiba essential oil also also exhibits antibacterial and antimicrobial actions, thus making it a great antiseptic agent for external wounds, cuts and bites. It effectively eradicates bacteria and cleans the wound, thus preventing the onset of infections which can cause further complications. In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties greatly helps to soothe and calm the red, affected area.


For example, a 2016 research study published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding found that copaiba essential oil effectively inhibited the growth of a certain bacterial strain, called Staphylococcus aureus, which is well-known for being resistant to drugs. Even low concentrations of the essential oil helped to inhibit the growth of this bacteria. As such, copaiba essential oil is a great addition to your first aid kit!


How to Use it: By diluting it with a carrier oil in a 1:1 ratio, you can create a massage blend and gently massage it onto the affected areas, but be careful to avoid applying it directly on open wounds.


4. Has Anti-Cancer Potential

Because of its potent anti-inflammatory abilities, copaiba oil has been widely researched for its abilities to prevent cancer and kill off cancer cells. For example, a 2015 research study, published in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found that copaiba oil exhibited strong antiproliferative effects, especially when it comes to tumor cell lines. Thus, this shows how the oil can help to prevent the spread of malignant and mutated cells, which can be cancer-causing.


This demonstrates the oil’s anti-tumor abilities, which can potentially be used to prevent and reduce the risks of cancer! Although more research needs to be done to ascertain how exactly can copaiba oil be incorporated in cancer preventive treatments, such initial results show promising results!


5. Provides Pain Relief

Since it has anti-inflammatory properties, copaiba oil is a wonderful analgesic, perfect for alleviating pain brought about by a variety of ailments! It can help to relieve pain that is associated with headaches, migraines. Additionally, it can also help to relieve pain associated with muscle aches and sore joints, such as rheumatism, gout, lupus, fibromyalgia and arthritis.


Its ability to soothe these painful areas and promote blood circulation to reduce pressure makes for an effective, all-natural treatment for pain relief! As such, you do not need to rely on taking prescribed painkillers anymore, which might have unwanted side effects anyways.


In addition, copaiba oil has one of the highest levels of beta-caryophyllene, which is a useful chemical constituent known to reduce pain! In fact, a 2014 research study published in European Neuropsychopharmacology found that copaiba oil is effective in the treatment of long-lasting, debilitating pain states for chronic pain conditions and thus, can be used to alleviate such aforementioned conditions.


How to Use it: Simply dilute copaiba oil with a carrier oil of your choice in a 1:1 ratio and proceed to massage it onto the affected areas for pain relief.


Alternatively, you can also add about a few drops of a muscle relaxant bath blend consisting of 1 drop of copaiba, frankincense and peppermint oils each, together with 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil and ½ cup of Epson salts in a tub of warm, bathing water for your evening bath to soak away the tense muscles and sore joints.


6. Can Be Used in Aromatherapy

Copaiba essential oil, with its aromatic fragrance, is also wonderful to be used in aromatherapy treatments. It is able to emotionally uplift your spirits and greatly improves your mood greatly as it alleviates anxiety and stress from a long, tiring day at work.


Its uplifting benefits are also perfect for those who might be experiencing low self-esteem issues, periods of self-doubt or even melancholic feelings. Its aromatic wafts, when distilled, can instantly help to put you in a much happier mood!


Furthermore, when distilled, it is able to augment respiratory health because it is able to clear congestion in your nasal passageways. Its anti-inflammatory properties, when inhaled, helps to ease any discomforts and relaxes the muscles which might be contributing to the problems or irritation.


How to Use it: You can diffuse copaiba oil in a diffuser or vaporizer and put it in your room or bedside table to breathe in the aromatic vapors.


Safety Precautions:

  • When applying the oil on your skin, be sure to dilute it fully with a carrier oil in a 1:1 ratio. Examples of popular carrier oils you can use include jojoba, coconut and almond essential oils.

  • Be sure to do a skin patch test prior to application on the skin of the affected areas to ensure no allergic, irritant or sensitive reactions result.

  • Avoid the eyes or ears area when using copaiba essential oil.

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do consult the doctor first before using copaiba essential oil as a form of treatment.



Da Silva AG, et al., “Application of the essential oil from copaiba (Copaifera langsdori Desf.) for acne vulgaris: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial”, Alternative Medicine Review (2012); 17(1)

Gelmini F, et al., “GC-MS profiling of the phytochemical constituents of the oleoresin from Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. and a preliminary in vivo evaluation of its antipsoriatic effect”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2013); 440(2)

Anna Luisa Aguiar Gulmaraes, et al., “Antimicrobial Activity of Copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) and Pracaxi (Pentaclethra macroloba) Oils against Staphylococcus Aureus: Importance in Compounding for Wound Care”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding (2016); 20(1)

Fariza Abrao, et al., “Copaifera langsdorffii oleoresin and its isolated compounds: antibacterial effect and antiproliferative activity in cancer cell lines” BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine (2015)

A-L. Klauke, et al., “The cannabinoid CB2 receptor-selective phytocannabinoid beta-caryophyllene exerts analgesic effects in mouse models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain”, Journal of European Neuropsychopharmacology (2014); 24(4)

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