5 Reasons Why Palmarosa Essential Oil is the Oil for You

5 Reasons Why Palmarosa Essential Oil is the Oil for You

Palmarosa is also known as Indian or Turkish geranium oil and it is a perennial grass that has the scientific name of Cymbopogon Martini. It is native to India and it actually bears a similar fragrance to the more expensive rose oil!


The essential oil of palmarosa is derived from steam distillation of the harvested dried grass. In fact, it is derived from two types of palmarosa grass - sofia and motia. Even though its aromatic scent bears strong resemblance to rose oil, palmarosa has unique attributes and therapeutic benefits that make it worthwhile to have as part of your essential oils collection!


Read on to find out more!


Health Benefits of Palmarosa Essential Oil:

1. Augments Skin Health

Palmarosa essential oil is a great antibacterial and antiseptic agent to treat a variety of skin conditions, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis and boils. It effectively kills off bacteria that is festering on your skin, thus inhibiting the formation and spread of pimples, blackheads and whiteheads that can inhibit a smoother complexion.


Furthermore, it is cytophylactic in nature which means it promotes cell regeneration and the growth of new tissues underneath the skin, thus helping to heal scars and dark spots obtained from these skin conditions and repairs the damages done to the body by ageing. It also helps to delay the onset of ageing and the formation of wrinkles, due to its antioxidant properties.


How to Use it: Apply 2-3 drops of palmarosa oil that is diluted with a carrier oil (such as coconut and jojoba oil) onto a cotton ball or swab and proceed to dab it onto the affected areas or massage on your face to counter signs of ageing.


2. Prevents Infections from Forming

Since it is a bactericide as established above, it also helps to inhibit bacterial growth by killing them on wounds, cuts, fungal conditions and scrapes. If you suffered an accident and have incurred an injury, just apply palmarosa essential oil to prevent complications and infections from setting in. This essentially helps to prevent the wounds from becoming septic or by incurring tetanus if the injury is made from a sharp, iron object.


As such, it promotes the fast and speedy healing of such external wounds, fungal infections and cuts, and helps to heal the eventual scars that will result.


Not only that, palmarosa essential oil helps to protect your internal organs and systems from developing infections and viruses. It can cure internal bacterial infections like colitis and those found in the colon, stomach, urinary bladder, kidneys, urethra and urinary tracts. This is because even sepsis can occur in these vital internal organs and if left untreated, it can result in acute pain, with cramps and convulsions. Therefore, it is imperative that these organs are kept free from infections and palmarosa oil helps to accomplish this by inhibiting bacterial growth within.


In fact, a 2009 study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences revealed how palmarosa oil exhibited the highest inhibitory activity against various bacterial strains, such as gram positive and gram negative bacteria, out of the other essential oils which were tested such as evening primrose, lavender and tuberose oils. Another study done in 1996 at the Regional Medical Research Centre in India found that palmarosa essential oil actually inhibited the growth and spread of 21 different types of bacteria!


As such, palmarosa essential oil is a potent antibacterial, antibiotic and antiseptic agent, used for treating wounds on the outside and preventing bacterial as well as virus growth internally. This hence helps to boost your immune system and keep your bodies healthy!


How to Use it: To treat skin infections externally, apply 2-3 drops of palmarosa oil and dilute it with a carrier oil. Proceed to gently rub it on the affected areas until the skin heals and the scars fade away.


For a restorative foot soak to get rid of fungal infections, you can try blending 6 drops of palmarosa, 3 drops of lemongrass, 3 drops of patchouli and 2 drops of tea tree essential oils and pour this mix into a tub of warm water to soak your troubled foot inside.


To prevent gastrointestinal infections and other types of infections within, you can add about 2-3 drops of the oil in steam inhalation and breathe in gently and slowly. You can also consider adding a drop of the oil into a glass of water or to a cup of tea and take it internally, but be sure to consult your doctor for professional medical advice before proceeding to ingest it.


3. Helps to Cure Fevers

With its febrifuge attributes, palmarosa essential oil effectively helps to alleviate fevers, thus serving as a potent, all-natural alternative remedy to the various drug-prescribed fever medications out there in the market!


Furthermore, coupled with its antiviral and antibacterial properties, it definitely helps to kill off the viruses and bacteria that are causing such fevers in the first place. Thus, it soothes and calms down the bodily systems and helps to alleviate the fevers in the process.


How to Use it: You can distill 2-3 drops of the oil in a diffuser or vaporizer and proceed to gently breathe in the wafts emanating out. Alternatively, you can also add about 5-6 drops of the oil in a tub of warm, bathing water and soak for a few minutes. It will help to induce sweating, which thus brings down our body temperature and helps to relieve the fever spell.


4. Augments Digestion Process

Being a stomachic, palmarosa oil is also an effective agent to aid your digestive processes. It is able to facilitate the timely and proper secretion of digestive enzymes and bile, thus promoting the proper digestion and breakdown of the food.


It also stimulates the absorption of the nutrients from the food into the bloodstream, allowing it to travel to the different parts of the body efficiently and in a fast manner. As such, this prevents a whole host of problems such as indigestion, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea and many more as it supports the health of your digestive system.


How to Use it: By diluting it with a carrier oil in a 1:1 ratio, simply massage diluted palmarosa oil onto your abdominal areas.


5. Provides Mental and Emotional Support

The essential oil of palmarosa is also great for aromatherapy treatments since it is able to battle against depression, feelings of self-doubt and low self-esteem to uplift your emotional spirits! It also serves to mentally rejuvenate and revitalise your mental senses as it alleviates fatigue, tension, stress and anxiety to provide mental clarity and to refresh your mind.


How to Use it: Simply diffuse palmarosa oil into a diffuser or vaporizer and let the aromatic, rosy wafts engulf you as you breathe in the goodness. You can also add lavender oil into the diffuser. Alternatively, you can add about 4-5 drops of palmarosa oil into a tub of warm, bathing water to relax and soothe your tense nerves.


Safety Precautions:

According to a 2014 study carried out by Food and Chemical Toxicology, it was found that palmarosa essential oil is considered safe for human consumption at low concentrations since it is not toxic. Yet, caution must still be exercised and you should always consult a doctor to seek for professional health advice before adding palmarosa oil into a glass of water or to a cup of tea to be taken internally.


Ensure that you only purchase top-quality and high-grade, 100% pure palmarosa essential oil from a reputable and reliable seller before using the oil, especially for internal purposes.


When applying it topically, be sure to dilute the oil with a carrier oil of your choice (such as coconut, jojoba or almond oil) in a 1:1 ratio and perform a skin patch test first to ascertain for any allergic or sensitive reactions.


If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is always wise to consult with your doctor first before using essential oils as a form of treatment.



M. H. Lodhia, K. R. Bhatt, V. S. Thaker, “Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oils from Palmarosa, Evening Primrose, Lavender and Tuberose”, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2009); 71(2)


Pattnaik S, Subramanyam VR, Kole C, “Antibacterial and antifungal activity of ten essential oils in vitro”, PubMed (1996); 86(349)


Sinha S, et al., “Evaluation of toxicity of essential oils palmarosa, citronella, lemongrass and vetiver in human lymphocytes”, Food and Chemical Toxicology (2014)

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