6 Terrific Health Benefits and Uses of Juniper Berry Essential Oil

6 Terrific Health Benefits and Uses of Juniper Berry Essential Oil

Juniper Berry essential oil is obtained through the steam distillation of the needles, wood and fruits of juniper, which is also scientifically known as Juniperus osteosperma and J. scopulorus. It belongs to the pine family and it is commonly found in North America, Europe and Southwest Asia.


In ancient, medieval times, juniper berries were believed to be powerful enough to ward off witches and they were regarded highly as protectors of emotional, mental and physical health. Hospital wards in France also burned juniper and rosemary to help protect patients from any bacteria or infections.


However, the benefits of juniper berry do not stop there! Today, juniper berry essential oil undoubtedly contains a variety of beneficial properties that helps to solve a variety of health ailments. Read on to find out more!


Health Benefits of Juniper Berry Essential Oil:

1. Helps to Heal Skin Infections

Like many essential oils out there, juniper berry essential oil is a great antiseptic agent, with its antibacterial and antimicrobial activities. In fact, it is one of the most popular natural remedies for combating skin infections and irritations arising from wounds, cuts, scrapes and even from skin problems like acne or stretch marks.


It effectively kills off the bacteria lingering on your skin, thus preventing infections or complications from setting in and from spreading. This hence speeds up the healing process and keeps your skin clean and bacteria-free.


A 2003 research study carried out by researchers from the Medical University of Gdansk in Poland notes how juniper berry essential oil, with its composition of (-)-alpha-pinene, p-cymene and beta-pinene, exhibited strong antibacterial and antifungal properties on patients from the Regional Hospital of Gdansk.


Another 2005 study done by researchers from the University of Zagreb in Croatia found that juniper essential oil showed bactericidal activities against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial species and strong fungicidal activity against yeasts, yeast-like fungi and dermatophytes, which is a pathogenic fungus that grows on the skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails. It even exhibited inhibitory activities towards the candida fungal strain as well!


2. Promotes Digestive Health

Juniper berry oil also contains lots of beneficial compounds and properties that are known to augment the digestive system. Firstly, being a stomachic, it stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes, thus making it easier to break down the food consumed and later be absorbed into the bloodstream subsequently, which also helps to prevent acid reflux symptoms.


Additionally, its anti-spasmodic qualities help in soothing any sporadic spasms, convulsions or cramps of the gastrointestinal walls, thus relieving pain and alleviating stomach cramps. Its carminative qualities, on the other hand, will ensure that there is timely removal of excess gases out from the digestive system, thus relieving any indigestion or bloating problems.


As such, juniper berry essential oil is a great natural aid agent to augment the digestive system! In fact, research done in 2007 and published in the the Journal of Dairy Science supports this. Basically, when juniper berry essential oil was given to Holstein cows, it increased ruminal digestion of proteins, thus illustrating how it improved digestion by efficiently breaking down the food consumed.


3. Promotes Detoxification

Juniper berry essential oil is also known for its diuretic properties, meaning it stimulates increased frequency and quantity of urination. While this may be discomforting and uncomfortable, increased urination is undoubtedly helpful for your body as it cleanses it from toxic substances like urea, uric acid, excess salts, fats and water. Therefore, it helps to protect the health of your various organs like your kidneys and liver since it detoxifies them and rids them of the harmful substances.


Furthermore, juniper berry is a depurative, meaning it actively seeks to purify the blood and rids the blood of excess toxins as well. As such, juniper berry is a natural agent to help ensure the smooth functioning of your various organs and bodily systems by ensuring it does not get invaded by toxic substances trapped in your bodies.


4. Eases the Mind

Known for its sedative and relaxant properties, juniper berry essential oil is also considered to be a natural anxiety remedy, since it can help reduce stress, anxiety and tension, while serving to uplift your emotional spirits and combat depression. It helps to relax your nerves and invoke positive responses.


And because the scent of juniper berry is soothing and aromatic, it relaxes your mind and thus, enables you to sleep more easily. This is of course perfect for those suffering from insomnia or sleeping troubles due to stress or anxiety. It sedates you slightly to prevent restlessness and to calm you down.


5. Offers Pain Relief

Juniper berry oil is also a great pain reliever agent for inflamed, swollen, sore muscles and joints. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a great aid for arthritis, rheumatism and even gout or bone and joint pains. Since it helps remove toxins out from the body, it also helps to prevent such conditions from arising in the first place since they are are also partly due to accumulated toxins and improper blood circulation.


6. As an Air Freshener and Insect Repellent

Because it is a natural antiseptic that has numerous antibacterial properties, juniper berry essential oil is also a great cleaning agent to purify your homes and keep it pest-free and insect-free. It helps to cleanse the air, ridding your surrounding environment of any pesky bugs or insects.


Not only that, its aromatic scent, when diffused indoors, helps to absorb foul-smelling odors in your homes and replaces it with a fresh and invigorating aroma that is very welcoming indeed! When sprayed on kitchen tops, surfaces and walls, it also helps to remove bacterial strains and prevents it from spreading. Thus, it is a great household cleaning agent too!


How to Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil?

Now that you have read the awesome benefits of juniper berry essential oil, here are some of the most common ways you can use it to reap its beneficial impacts.


  • Aromatically: You can seek to diffuse juniper berry oil in your diffuser or vaporizer, especially so if you want to freshen up your house to get rid of bad odors, or to simply relax your mind. You can even combine 4 drops of wild orange, 2 drops of juniper berry and 2 drops of frankincense essential oils to diffuse the winter blues away.


  • Topically: You can also apply juniper berry oil directly onto your skin, but prior to this, be sure to dilute the oil with a carrier oil (such as almond, coconut or rosehip essential oils) in a 1:1 ratio. This is a useful way to help heal skin or fungal infections externally, and if you want to have some pain relief arising from stiff and sore muscles.


  • Internally: To reap the internal benefits of juniper berry oil, such as detoxification or to augment the digestive system, you can take it internally. However, you should only add one drop of the oil into a glass of water or cup of tea and ensure proper dilution before consuming it, as excessive use can lead to sensitization and other undesirable side effects.


  • In the Bath: If you are looking for something to relieve muscle pain, decrease stress and even stimulates detoxification, then you can try this healing bath salts recipe. It is very simple to do and it will leave you feeling energized. All you need to do is add Epsom salts, baking soda, 5-6 drops of juniper berry oil and 5-6 drops of lavender oil into a tub of warm, bathing water. Soak inside for about 20-40 minutes.


  • In a Spray Bottle: To create an effective insect repellent or a house cleaner agent, you can add about 10-20 drops of the oil in a spray bottle of water and shake well. Proceed to spray all over kitchen tops and appliances.


Safety Precautions:

  • If you would like to consume juniper berry essential oil internally, always ensure that you purchase a top-quality, high-grade and 100% pure, organic juniper berry oil from a reputable seller. Do consult your doctor beforehand for medical advice before proceeding to ingest it.

  • Also, do not take it internally for too long periods as it can lead to an overdose and induce strain on the liver and kidneys.

  • If you have pre-existing kidney or liver conditions and are under prescribed medication, it is wise to seek the advice of your doctor first before using juniper berry oil as a form of treatment.

  • Always dilute the oil with a carrier oil first in a 1:1 ratio and perform a skin patch test to ensure that you do not have any allergic or sensitive reactions.

  • If you are pregnant or nursing, it is wise to avoid juniper berry essential oil since it can affect the hormones.

  • Keep the oil out of reach from your eyes, ears or inside your noses.


Filipowicz N, et al., “Antibacterial and antifungal activity of juniper berry oil and its selected components”, Phytotherapy Research (2003); 17(3)

Pepeljnjak S, et al., “Antimicrobial activity of juniper berry essential oil (Juniperus communis L., Cupressaceae)”, PubMed (2005); 55(4)

Yang WZ, et al., “Effects of garlic and juniper berry essential oils on ruminal fermentation and on the site and extent of digestion in lactating cows”, Journal of Dairy Science (2007); 90(12)

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