6 Superb Health Benefits and Uses of Valerian Essential Oil

6 Superb Health Benefits and Uses of Valerian Essential Oil

The valerian herb, through which the essential oil came about through a process of steam distillation, is commonly named as an all-healer verb. Yes, you heard that right! As the name suggests, this valerian herb has been in use since many, many centuries ago as it contains such a high medicinal value.


It was used by popular Greek and Roman philosophers to treat various ailments, ranging from insomnia to digestive disorders and skin problems. In fact, this herb is also widely and popularly used in the Ayurvedic medicinal world as it is believed to be able to treat an extensive range of illnesses.


Clearly, this herb is considered to be of vital importance during the ancient times, and its use has spread throughout the centuries where it is now very efficacious in treating a range of modern-day illnesses.


The essential oil of valerian herb actually is quite pungent and has a musky, woody smell but do not let the scent discourage you from getting a bottle yourself, for it contains tremendous medicinal value and health benefits! Read on to find out more.


Health Benefits of Valerian Essential Oil:

1. Helps to Promote Sleep

One of the main uses of valerian root that dates back to centuries ago is its potent ability to induce a calming, peaceful and restful sleep. Thus, valerian essential oil is ideal for those suffering from insomnia and restlessness.


Its active components found in the oil is able to coordinate the release of hormones and balances the numerous bodily functions to induce peace and relaxation, thus facilitating restful and undisturbed sleep.


As such, valerian oil is a useful, viable alternative to prescribed sleeping pills which has unwanted side effects. Valerian oil, being all-natural, does not have any side effects and thus, the next time you have trouble falling asleep, try using this miraculous essential oil to help you fall asleep in no time!


How to Use it: You can diffuse valerian oil in a burner or diffuser and put it beside your bedside table. Alternatively, if the smell is not to your liking, you can mix a few drops of the oil with a carrier oil (such as jojoba, almond or coconut oil) and proceed to massage on your body. You can even add about 3-4 drops of the oil into your warm, bathing water to help you unwind and relax before going to bed.


2. Alleviates Depression and Anxiety

Related to the first point above, valerian oil is also helpful to diffuse any negative feelings of stress, tension, anxiety, depression and low self-confidence. It dissipates the pessimistic energy to drastically improve your mood and uplifts your emotional spirits. With its ability to release hormones and regulate the various bodily functions, it helps to keep you calm and composed.


The valerian oil helps promote the secretion of gamma aminobutryic acid (GAMA) in the brain which then exerts a calming effect on the nerve cells and helps to relieve tension. As such, it greatly helps to combat seizures, neuralgia, mental strain, emotional stress and trauma. Thus, it is a potent antidepressant agent.


How to Use it: You can distill the oil in a diffuser or vaporizer or you can add about 3-4 drops of the oil in warm, bathing water to unwind and relax.


3. Improves Cognitive and Mental Abilities

The valerian root has also been hailed to be one of the main all-natural brain boosters as it promotes concentration and focus as well as provides mental clarity. It actively seeks to stimulate the different parts of the brain and increases circulation, thus always keeping our brains alert and active.


This hence helps to combat signs of fatigue, exhaustion and sluggishness which undoubtedly has an impact on our ability to concentrate and focus, boosting our memory levels instead.


Therefore, students who have trouble concentrating can actually use valerian essential oil to help improve focus levels. In fact, the attention-enhancing properties of this valerian herb is also believed to be able to treat the attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that is commonly found amongst children and can potentially help to prevent the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.


How to Use it: You can distill the oil in a diffuser, vaporizer or distiller and keep it on your work table to promote improved concentration and memory levels.


4. Lowers Blood Pressure Levels

Relating to its sedative and relaxant nature, valerian essential oil helps to regulate and prevent blood pressure levels from reaching dangerously high levels. This can essentially help to reduce any strain on the cardiovascular system and the heart, therefore decreasing the chances of incurring stroke and cardiac arrests.


Also, valerian oil can help to decrease heart palpitations as the various chemical compounds within the oil work with the heart to facilitate a regular and normalized metabolic rate, thus helping to prevent any erratic and unusual behaviour of the cardiovascular system that can possibly lead to strokes and other complications. Ultimately, it serves to relax the heart.


How to Use it: By diluting valerian oil with a carrier oil, you can gently massage the mixture onto your chest to treat and prevent rapid heart palpitations. Alternatively, you can also add 3-4 drops of valerian oil into your warm, bathing water to lower your blood pressure levels.


5. Treats Skin Problems

With its antibacterial properties, valerian oil can also be a useful agent to treat various skin conditions. It helps to clean out bacteria from wounds, cuts, open sores, stings and bruises and prevents infections from forming.


Not only that, it inhibits the growth and spread of bacteria that leads to acne, eczema, psoriasis and boils, therefore nipping them in the bud before they worsen on your skin. It soothes and calms inflamed areas.


Therefore, this oil works to promote a much healthier and smoother complexion, boosting your self-confidence at the same time! It can also help to prevent the onset of wrinkles from forming, thus maintaining your skin’s healthy and youthful glow.


How to Use it: You can mix about 2-3 drops of valerian oil with equal amounts of carrier oil and proceed to apply it onto the affected areas. Alternatively, you can also add 2-3 drops of the oil into your daily skincare products.


6. Offers Abdominal Pain Relief

Valerian essential oil can also help to alleviate pain arising from menstrual cramps and dysmenorrhea as it relaxes the uterine walls and prevents the unnecessary contractions or the convulsions of the muscles in the uterus. Therefore, valerian oil is an effective, natural remedy for women who suffer from painful and discomforting menstrual cramps and they do not need to resort to prescribed painkillers.


Furthermore, valerian oil can help to ease stomach problems, such as upset stomach as it soothes muscular spasms along the stomach and intestinal walls too due to its anti-spasmodic nature. Because of these attributes, it can also alleviate migraine pains, gout pains, rheumatism and headaches.


How to Use it: Adding 3-4 drops of valerian essential oil into your warm, bathing water can help to relieve pain brought about by these abovementioned conditions. Alternatively, you can create a massage blend by diluting the valerian oil with a carrier oil and gently rub it on your abdominal area to relieve menstrual cramps and stomach issues.


Safety Precautions:

  • Do not ingest valerian oil.

  • If you intend to apply the oil topically, be sure to dilute the oil first using a carrier oil (such as jojoba, coconut or almond oil) and do a skin patch test first to ensure there are no sensitive or allergic reactions.

  • Do not apply the oil on broken skin or on open wounds.

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is best to consult your doctor first before using essential oils as a form of treatment.

  • Due to the presence of volatile compounds which are also powerful, excessive use of valerian oil may result in dizziness, cramps and stomach aches so ensure that you only use the oil in small dosages.

  • Avoid contact with the eyes and keep out of reach of children.

  • Valerian oil blends well with cedarwood, lavender, mandarin, patchouli, petitgrain, pine and rosemary essential oils.

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