6 Amazing Health Benefits and Uses of Angelica Essential Oil

6 Amazing Health Benefits and Uses of Angelica Essential Oil

The essential oil of angelica is derived from the seeds or roots of the Angelica archangelica plant. It is widely cultivated and used in Europe for its medicinal properties. In fact, the plant has strong medicinal value as it was believed to be a potent antidote for the Black Plague that swept across Europe. As such, due to its healing powers, it is also commonly known as the “holy spirit root”.


During the 17th century, angelica was also used to manage the plague when it struck London as angelica root water was used. However, its uses and health benefits do not stop there! Angelica contains numerous medicinal properties that are especially constructive for your health as it can help treat a variety of ailments. Read on to find out more about what angelica essential oil can do for your body!


Health Benefits of Angelica Essential Oil:

1. Promotes Detoxification of the Body

Angelica essential oil is a diuretic, which means it promotes increased urination. It is also a diaphoretic, which means it facilitates increased sweating. While such processes may be discomforting and annoying, it is ultimately good for your body as this means that toxic substances, such as urea, uric acid, excess salts, fats, water and bile will be removed from your body.


As such, it helps to purify the blood and gives relief from ailments which are associated with an accumulation of such toxic substances, such as rheumatism, arthritis, gout and renal calculi. By increased sweating and urination, it helps to lower blood pressure levels as well, thus aiding in keeping a healthy body!


It also serves to protect the liver and kidneys as such toxic substances will be constantly flushed out from the system. Moreover, this property of angelica oil also means that it helps to alleviate high fevers since it induces increased sweating and urination to remove the toxins from your body.


2. Provides Respiratory Relief

Angelica oil is also an expectorant, meaning it facilitates a freer and unobstructed breathing passage as it helps to clear up excess phlegm and mucus that are lodged within the respiratory tracts. This helps to provide immense relief from coughs, colds, sinusitis and lung congestion.


Its antispasmodic property also helps to soothe any convulsions that comes with painful coughing spells, again providing relief from the pain and discomfort.


3. Promotes Better Digestion

With digestive, antispasmodic and carminative qualities, angelica oil is great for aiding a much better and smoother digestion process. It is able to soothe any involuntary contractions, cramps and convulsions in your stomach and intestinal walls, thus helping to relieve pain and stomach cramps.


Furthermore, it helps to expel out any excess gas by letting them pass in a downward fashion. This helps to prevent a buildup of excess gas and as such, helps to mitigate problems associated with indigestion, flatulence and nausea. It can also help to relax the intestinal and stomach walls, thus facilitating an easier passageway of food and gases.


Also, it facilitates the proper and timely secretion of digestive enzymes and bile, which allows for the proper digestion and absorption of food and nutrients into the bloodstreams.


4. Alleviates Stress and Anxiety

Angelica oil is also great for your emotional health as it is a relaxant that helps to calm and soothe your tense nerves and alleviates stress and anxiety. Its warm, musky and woody aroma helps induce feelings of tranquility and relaxation as it uplifts your emotional spirits and wards off negative thoughts like depression, bouts of low self-esteem and self-doubt.


As such, you can count on angelica oil to help you destress after a long, tiring and stressful day at work! In fact, researchers from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University in China carried out a study in 2004 to test for the therapeutic effects of angelica oil. They found that angelica oil, like diazepam (an anticonvulsant agent) actually exhibits anxiolytic-like effects on the mice subjects, meaning it contributes to reducing anxiety levels.


Another 2010 study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences notes how angelica oil exhibits an anti-seizure and anticonvulsant effects as seizures were induced in mice, thus attesting to its relaxant nature.


5. Promotes Menstrual Relief

The oil is also great for women who experience problems with their menstrual flow and menstrual cycle. It helps to regulate menstrual cycles, thus producing timely and regular menstrual flows. Not only that, combined with its antispasmodic attributes, it is great for relieving many of the ailments associated with the time of the month, such as menstrual cramps, nausea, bloating, headaches and fatigue.


6. Improves Blood Circulation

One of the unique attributes of angelica oil is that it is both a relaxant and a stimulant. This means that while it induces a calming and peaceful effect on the mind, it can stimulate blood circulation to the vital parts of your body at the same time!


It helps improve blood flow and the secretion of enzymes, hormones and other beneficial fluids to stimulate the various bodily processes in your body, such as digestion, excretion and absorption, thus contributing to a healthy and well-functioning body.


How to Use Angelica Essential Oil?

Now that you have read about angelica oil’s beneficial impacts to the health of your body, here are some of the common ways you can use the oil easily and safely in your daily life to reap its effects!


  • You can diffuse the oil in a diffuser, vaporizer or burner and let the aromatic wafts engulf you. This is perfect for those who are suffering from any respiratory ailments or for those who need to destress.


  • Alternatively, you can also inhale directly from the bottle or create a steam inhalation by adding a few drops of the oil into a bowl of hot, steaming water and inhale the vapors emanating out. This is especially for those suffering from coughs, colds or flu. You can also combine it with peppermint or eucalyptus oil to give even better results.


  • The oil can also be applied topically onto the skin. Be sure to dilute the oil with a carrier oil (such as coconut or jojoba oil) in a 1:1 ratio and massage onto the abdomen area to facilitate proper digestion and to provide menstrual relief from cramps. You can also add a few drops of the oil into a warm compress and press onto abdomen for menstrual relief.


  • Alternatively, adding 5-6 drops of the oil in a tub of warm, bathing water is also great for your emotional health and to induce detoxification.


Safety Precautions:

  • It is wise to consult your doctor before using angelica essential oil if you are pregnant or nursing or diabetic.

  • Do not take angelica oil internally.

  • When applying it topically onto your skin, be sure to dilute first with a carrier oil in a 1:1 ratio and perform a skin patch test to ascertain for any allergic, sensitive or irritant reactions.

  • Angelica oil is photosensitive and phototoxic, which means you should avoid direct sunlight and exposure to UV rays for 24 hours after topical application onto your skin.

  • If you have pre-existing medical conditions and are under the prescription of drugs by your doctor, seek professional medical advice before using angelica essential oil as a form of treatment.



Chen SW, et al., “The effects of angelica essential oil in three murine tests of anxiety”, PubMed (2004)

Shalini Pathak, et al., “Evaluation of Antiseizure Activity of Essential Oil from Roots of Angelica archangelica Linn. in Mice”, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010)

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