7 Surprising Health Benefits and Uses of Spikenard Essential Oil

7 Surprising Health Benefits and Uses of Spikenard Essential Oil

Spikenard essential oil is derived from a flowering plant that is part of the Valerian family, botanically known as Nardostachys jatamansi. Specifically, the stems or the rhizomes of the plant are crushed and the oil is extracted by steam distillation of the resin obtained. It has an intense aroma, which is heavy, woody, spicy and sweet, much like the smell of moss and produces an amber colour.


The plant typically grows in Nepal, China and India and the oil was highly revered in ancient times. Due to its earthy and wood-like fragrance, it is perfect for aromatherapy and has been widely used as a perfume. Its use dates back to Biblical times as it was mentioned in the Bible and it is widely known in Ayurvedic medicine to be potent in treating insomnia, depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue and more.


However, besides that, spikenard essential oil has myriad health benefits and uses as well, due to the abundance of useful properties present in the oil. Read on to find out more, and you just might be convinced to purchase a bottle for yourself to add into your essential oils collection!


Health Benefits of Spikenard Essential Oil:

1. Antibacterial and Antifungal

One of the most potent benefits and uses of spikenard oil is that it is an antibacterial and antifungal agent. It can be used to heal wounds, cuts and scrapes on the skin fast as it kills off bacteria and prevents infections from setting in. It is also a potent antifungal agent as it helps to get rid of skin fungal infections such as toenail fungus, tetanus and athlete’s foot.


As such, it promotes a much healthier skin as it can help ease itching, treat patches on the skin and alleviates dermatitis.


Not only that, it can also help eradicate bacteria and viruses from inside the body too. Spikenard is known to be able to help treat bacterial infections in the kidneys, urinary bladder and urethra, thus helping to mitigate cholera and food poisoning.


A 2002 study published in the Journal of Food Protection evaluated the bactericidal activity levels of 96 essential oils, including spikenard essential oil, and found that spikenard was most active against the C.jejuni bacterial strain, which is the cause of human gastroenteritis.


2. Eases Inflammation

Spikenard essential oil also helps to ease inflammatory conditions, thus preventing a whole host of diseases (as most illnesses are caused by inflammation of some parts of the body).


A 2010 study done by researchers from Wonkwang University in South Korea evaluated the efficacy of spikenard on acute pancreatitis, which is inflammation of the pancreas. They found that spikenard actually weakened the severity of the disease, thus attesting to its potency as an anti-inflammatory agent.


3. Soothes the Mind and Body

Spikenard oil is also a known sedative, thus it has the ability to soothe and calm the mind and the body. It helps to rid the mind of any forms of stress, tension and even anger. It alleviates feelings of depression and restlessness as it provides mental clarity and produces a calming effect on the mind. Coupled with its laxative properties, it is also great for people who are suffering from insomnia.


It makes you feel relaxed as it gets rid of anxiety and restlessness. As such, you can always use spikenard essential oil as a form of natural treatment to help alleviate insomnia, which is ultimately a much better alternative than prescription drugs and over-the-counter sleeping pills as those might carry unwanted side effects that could lead to other health complications.


In fact, research from 2008 that was published in the Journal of Natural Medicines found that spikenard exhibited strong sedative effects on the mice tested and that the mice slept 2.7 times longer than usual!


4. A Laxative Agent

One of the well-known benefits of spikenard is its ability to naturally relieve constipation because of its laxative qualities. Constipation can be quite debilitating to those who suffer from it, as it leads to pain and discomfort. As such, you can rely on spikenard oil to help relieve you of such ailments as it stimulates the digestive system and prevents blockages or obstructions, especially in the intestines area.


Furthermore, unlike synthetic laxatives which dry out the intestinal walls and might be harmful, spikenard oil does not do that as it naturally facilitates the movement of the feces through the colon and out of your body.


5. Promotes the Health of Uterus and Ovaries

Spikenard oil has also been traditionally used for women to help promote the health of their reproductive organs. It seeks to purify the uterus and ovaries and stimulates the secretion of estrogen and progesterone, thus maintaining their functions as reproductive organs.


It also seeks to promote menstruation and cleanse the uterus, helps to treat painful menstrual cramps, reduce inflammation of the uterus and alleviates bloating. In fact, it can even be used as a natural aphrodisiac to treat impotence.


6. Boosts the Immune System

Spikenard also helps to promote the immune system as it maintains the health of the body and ensures that the various bodily processes are kept in functioning order. In fact, it is a natural hypotensive, meaning it helps to lower blood pressure levels naturally, thus serving as a natural remedy for high blood pressure.


It relaxes and dilates the arteries and its antioxidant compounds present in the oil helps to reduce oxidative stress and fights free radical damage. Since it helps to reduce inflammation, it also helps to prevent a whole range of diseases and illnesses.


A 2012 study published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies found that the rhizomes of spikenard (where the oil is derived from) contains much antioxidative potential that exhibited high reduction capability and powerful free radical scavenging activity to protect the health of the body.


7. As a Powerful Deodorant

Spikenard oil, with its earthy, woody and sweet aroma that is reminiscent to the smell of moss, serves as an effective deodorant for your homes as it produces a delightful aroma that leaves your house smelling fresh and welcoming! You can simply diffuse the oil and let the aromatic wafts engulf your living room or bedrooms.


How to Use Spikenard Essential Oil?

Now that you have read about the lovely and awesome benefits of spikenard essential oil, here are some of the top ways to use it safely so as to rid yourself from various ailments and to boost your health.


  • To calm the mind and promote restful sleep, you can inhale 2 drops of spikenard oil directly from the bottle or add 5 drops of it to an oil burner or diffuser.

  • As a deodorant for your rooms, you can also diffuse about 5 drops of the oil in an oil burner or diffuser.

  • You can also combine 5 drops of spikenard oil to 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (such as coconut, jojoba or almond oil) and create a massage blend to gently massage on abdomen area for menstrual cramps and to relieve constipation.

  • Add 2-4 drops of the oil to a tub of warm, bathing water for a calming and relaxing bath to soothe your mind.

  • To lower blood pressure or to treat heart palpitations, you can also gently rub 2 drops of diluted spikenard oil onto your feet or add it into a small tub to make a warm foot bath.

  • As an antiseptic agent to help heal wounds and treat skin fungal infections, apply 1-2 drops of diluted spikenard oil onto the affected areas, while being careful to avoid open cuts and sores.


Safety Precautions:

  • Ensure that you dilute spikenard oil with a carrier oil first before topical application onto the skin, especially if you have sensitive skin. Perform a skin patch test first to ensure no sensitive or allergic reactions crops up.

  • If you are pregnant or nursing, do consult your doctor prior to using spikenard oil. 


Friedman M, Henika PR, Mandrell RE, “Bactericidal activities of plant essential oils and some of their isolated constituents against Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella enterica”, Journal of Food Protection (2002); 65(10)

Bae GS, et al., “Nardostachys jatamansi protects against cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis”, PubMed (2010); 39(4)

Takemoto H, et al., “Sedative effects of vapor inhalation of agarwood oil and spikenard extract and identification of their active components”, Journal of Natural Medicines (2008); 62(1)

Sharma SK, Singh AP, “In vitro antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of Nardostachys jatamansi DC”, Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies (2012); 5(3)

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