The essential oil of mugwort is derived from the Mugwort tree which bears the scientific name of Artemisia Vulgaris. The oil is extracted by steam distillation of the flowers, buds and the leaves of the tree and it is a perennial plant located in North Africa, Europe, Alaska and even Asia, but it originated in Morocco.
During ancient times, mugwort was regarded as sacred and was associated with the supernatural or mystic forces as it was mainly used to prevent danger or evil spells in Europe. It was also believed to possess magical properties and to be able to increase your psychic powers!
What a highly captivating plant! Aside from its magical properties, mugwort also contains high medicinal value as it contains a myriad of useful properties and constituents that help you maintain a healthy body and ward off a number of health ailments. Read on to find out more on what mugwort essential oil can do to your body!
Health Benefits of Mugwort Essential Oil:
1. Provides Menstrual Relief
Mugwort essential oil can help to ensure that menstrual flows are kept regular by promoting smoother and unobstructed blood flow out of the
Since it helps ensure regular menstrual cycles, mugwort oil also helps to maintain the proper health and smooth functioning of the uterus since it stimulates the discharge of harmful toxins through uterine discharges and secretes hormones that are designed to keep the uterus functioning properly.
As such, the risks of incurring uterine ulcers, cysts,
How to Use it: Simply dilute mugwort oil with a carrier oil (such as coconut, jojoba or almond oil) and gently rub it on your abdominal area.
2. Has a Calming Effect on the Brain and Nervous System
Mugwort oil is also a great natural anti-epileptic and anti-hysteric remedy. It exudes soothing and calming effects on the nervous system and brain, stimulating relaxation and tranquility. As such, it helps to calm and reduce any epileptic or hysteric attacks when they do occur.
Not only that, it can promote relaxation, thus making it an effective agent to de-stress and soothe your tense, anxious nerves. By doing so, it helps to promote mental clarity and improve concentration levels. Thus mugwort oil is an effective agent if you are looking for something that can soothe you mentally and boost your memory levels!
How to Use it: Simply dilute mugwort essential oil together with lavender oil and diffuse it in a distiller, vaporizer or diffuser. To promote mental concentration and boost memory levels, you can blend mugwort oil with rosemary or sage essential oils in a diffuser or vaporizer and place it on your
3. Maintains Digestive Health
Mugwort essential oil is also a potent, all-natural remedy for curing digestive disorders or digestive problems because it can effectively stimulate the proper secretion of bile and digestive enzymes, thus facilitating proper digestion and breakdown of the food. This hence promotes the full absorption of the food into the bloodstream.
As such, this oil helps to eliminate problems of indigestion, stomach aches, acid reflux and other digestion-related problems.
Not only that, mugwort oil can help to get rid of intestinal worms as it seeks to inhibit the bacterial and microbial infections in the stomach and intestines. Being an effective killer of roundworms and tapeworms, the oil can help to promote absorption of nutrients into the body and establish normal growth, especially in children.
How to Use it: By diluting mugwort essential oil with a carrier oil in a 1:1 ratio, simply massage it onto your lower abdominal and stomach area. Care should be taken when applying mugwort oil on children, as it should only be used in very mild doses.
4. Promotes Detoxification
Being a diuretic, mugwort oil helps to remove the accumulation of harmful substances, such as urea, uric acid, excess salts,
Furthermore, this property makes it very useful for those who are suffering from obesity, hypertension and even rheumatism, arthritis as well as gout since these conditions are brought about by the increased accumulation of toxins in the body.
By detoxifying, it can also help to lower blood pressure levels and increase appetite levels.
How to Use it: You can add a few drops of the oil into your warm, bathing water and soak inside for a few minutes to promote detoxification.
5. Effective Stimulant
Mugwort essential oil is an efficient stimulant, as it stimulates practically all the systems in the body, from the circulatory system to the endocrine system as it induces the secretion of hormones and enzymes.
Additionally, it stimulates the secretion of bile and digestive juices as well as the peristaltic movement of the intestines as abovementioned and maintains a swift nervous system response. Since it can induce proper and regular menstrual cycles, it also stimulates menstrual discharges which keeps your reproductive system healthy and functioning!
As such, the essential oil of mugwort helps to promote the smooth functioning of the body by ensuring that all the bodily processes and systems are working properly and orderly, thus keeping the overall health of your body in healthy shape!
Safety Precautions:
Mugwort essential oil is actually toxic and irritant. Therefore, do not use in high doses.
It also has narcotic effects, especially on the brain and nervous systems. Therefore, if you are diffusing the oil, be sure to blend it with other essential oils and do not diffuse for more than 30 minutes. If you feel dizzy or light-headed after a few inhalations, then stop immediately.
Mugwort oil should never be used when you are pregnant as it can cause abortions.
Do not ingest mugwort oil.
To treat intestinal worms on children, only apply a small dosage of the oil topically. Be sure to consult your doctor and seek
for professional medical advice before using the oil as a form of alternative treatment. -
Be sure to always dilute the oil with a carrier oil before topical application onto the skin.
Perform a skin patch test first prior to application on the affected areas to ensure no sensitive or allergic reactions result.
Mugwort oil blends well with cedarwood, lavender, patchouli, rosemary, clary sage, rose,
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