Why You Should Use Essential Oils for Hair
Essential oils serve as a viable and effective alternative to normal hair care products and ultimately are more cost effective. Regardless of whether you are looking to thicken your hair, treat dandruff and dry scalp, give your hair the necessary strength and shine or even lighten your hair, you can use essential oils.
Apart from nourishing your hair, essential oils can also help you to lessen stress, reduce pain and fight any skin infections present. Being all-natural, they do not contain any harmful or toxic chemicals and thus are more environment-friendly.
Benefits of Using Essential Oils for Hair
1. Simulation of Hair Growth
Many a times, people suffering from hair loss will turn to hair replacement surgery or use topical hair loss products in the hope of regaining the hair that they have loss. However, many of them have yet to explore solutions such as boosting circulation, fighting inflammation or adding moisture, which address the root causes of hair loss. Essential oils play a role in addressing the root cause of hair loss. Just a few drops of essential oil per day can help to boost circulation and fight inflammation and thus indirectly minimize hair loss.
2. Removal of Dandruff
Dandruff is a skin problem that affects half of the world’s population. It is caused by the accumulation of dead skin or aggravated by certain microorganisms. It can also be caused by certain chemical ingredients in hair products that leave your scalp with a red, scaly and itchy rash. The soothing and healing properties present in essential oils like lavender oil and lemongrass oil will help you to fight dandruff naturally by addressing problems such as flaky and itchy scalp.
3. Hair Nourishment
Many hair care products used for hair shining, smoothening and straightening contain toxic products. For instance, keratin treatment contains toxic substances like formaldehyde which is known to be carcinogenic. Using essential oils for hair nourishment will achieve the same beneficial effects as conventional hair products without causing any adverse side effects.
4. Prevention of Oily Hair
We all have oil glands present in our body that help give our hair a shiny appearance. However, when these glands produce excess oil, they will make your hair appear very greasy, even after you have just washed it. Certain essential oils, such as Peppermint Oil, can help regulate the production of oil in the glands and thus ensure your hair remains oil-free and shiny.
5. Addresses the root causes of hair loss
Research has shown that hormonal imbalances and high levels of stress cause hair loss. When you are under constant stress, inflammation is triggered in turn inducing hair follicle regression and subsequently resulting in hair loss. Certain essential oils, such as Lavender Oil and Clary Sage, when diffused at home, can help to reduce stress and thus indirectly reverse hair loss.
Essential Oils that can be used for hair
1. Lavender Oil
Studies have shown that Lavender Oil promotes the growth of hair. In 2016, a study showed that the topical application of Lavender Oil on mice caused a significant increase in the number of hair follicles in the female mice. Furthermore, the application of Lavender Oil also resulted in a thicker thermal layer and deeper hair follicles. Furthermore, lavender oil also possesses anti-microbial properties and thus can be used to fight bacterial and fungal disorders. It can also help provide scalp relief and heal dry skin and hair.
2. Rosemary Oil
If you are looking at hair growth and increased hair thickness, you can consider using Rosemary oil. Rosemary Oil helps to stimulate cell metabolism, which in turn stimulates hair growth and encourages healing. Rosemary Oil can also help boost your hair health by preventing baldness, slowing down the hair greying process and by treating dandruff/dry scalp related problems. It is recommended that you mix 3-5 drops of Rosemary Oil with Olive Oil and massage the mixture on your scalp for about 2 minutes. Leave the mixture on your hair for 3-4 hours and wash your hair as usual.
3. Chamomile Oil
If you are looking to soothe your scalp or add shine/softness to your hair, you can consider using Chamomile Oil. If you are looking at a natural way to lighten your hair, consider adding 5 drops of Chamomile Oil with a tablespoon of sea salt and 1/3 cup of baking soda. Following which, use warm water to create a paste and apply the mixture on your hair. Massage it on your scalp and the base of your hair and allow it to sit for half an hour. Do consider sitting in the sun during the half an hour if you want a bolder effect. Afterwhich, rinse off the mixture. Unlike conventional hair products used to lighten your hair, Chamomile Oil does not contain unhealthy products like formaldehyde and bleach.
4. Cedarwood Oil
If you are looking at promoting your hair growth, slowing down the hair loss process or finding a remedy for your thinning hair, consider the use of cedarwood oil. Essentially, cedarwood oil helps stimulate hair follicles by increasing the circulation to the scalp. You can try mixing a few drops of cedarwood oil with other essential oils or carrier oils and apply them topically to your hair and scalp. Alternatively, you can also add 2-3 drops to your conditioner when you shower.
5. Clary Sage Oil
Another type of essential oil you can consider using for your hair is Clary Sage. Clary Sage contains a chemical that helps to lower skin inflammation and regulate oil production on the skin. It can help you to avoid scaly or flaky skin patches that can potentially lead to dandruff. Clary sage also plays a role in minimizing stress-induced hair loss. As Clary Sage helps people to relieve stress and ensure the right hormonal balances, it can function as a natural remedy for stress-induced hair loss.
6. Lemongrass Oil
Lemongrass Oil can help strengthen your hair follicles and soothe an itchy or irritated scalp. A study done in 2015 has shown that the topical application of lemongrass oil helped to reduce dandruff significantly after a week. This effect was even more significant after 2 weeks of topical application. You can try adding 10 drops of lemongrass oil to your shampoo or conditioner bottle that you use for your shower. Alternatively, you can consider applying 2-3 drops on your scalp along with your conditioner daily.
7. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint Oil has powerful antiseptic properties and can be used to stimulate the scalp or even treat dandruff and lice. Research has also shown that it also helps promote hair growth. An animal study done in 2014 showed that the topical application of peppermint oil over a course of 4 weeks resulted in notable hair growth effects, increased dermal thickness, follicle depth and follicle number. You can try adding 2-3 drops of peppermint oil to your shampoo or conditioner when you take your morning shower.
8. Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Oil is well-known as the best remedy for dandruff. Tea Tree Oil can help moisturize the scalp and relieve any itchiness or dryness present. Furthermore, when applied, it can unclog the hair follicles and ensure the normal flow of skin oils. Finally, it can resolve fungal infections present in the scalp and scalp acne.
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